Ghost's Story

Dear Country N Christian,
This year I have had the opportunity of volunteering at a stable. There I met a wonderful horse named Ghost. Ghost got a second chance and has found a new home now. I have created a video to remember him by and I will also post his story. I hope you guys like it!

Ghost is a Palamino Missouri Fox Trotter.  When I first started going to the Stables I had hoped to work with a horse just as Amy Fleming does in Heartland (it's a Canadian TV Drama). The first day, I walked into the stable and noticed one horse. There was something about him that made him my favorite but I couldn't tell what. All the horses were nice but this one...there was just something about him. A few weeks into volunteering, the stable manager asked me which was my favorite horse and I answered Ghost. He's been my favorite ever since. I got to feed him a carrot one time but the biggest part of his story is when we started training together. I don't know too much of Ghost's past but I do know he was very skittish. He wouldn't let anyone touch his head and mane. It took a few weeks before we could get near his mane at all, we can even pet his head! I asked the owner of the Stables (who also owned Ghost) if I could start training with him because they said he needed someone to spend time with him and she said yes. I started out grooming him every week. Then one day he wasn't feeling too well so I got to walk him around on a lead rope, he really loved it! After a while we had a schedule, I would groom him and then lead him around for a while. I would make sure he didn't go ahead of me while we walked (I was the one leading not him). I have even gotten to ride him twice! I was a bit scared too but I think it helped us both bond with each other. A few bites and trust earned, and now he is with a new family! He got adopted a few weeks ago. I don't know the family but I believe Ghosty Boy is happy and safe. We both had things to learn like how to trust each other and not be so afraid. He's gone with a different family now and we both have great things to come! The best is yet to come

This scene right here has really inspired me throughout mine and Ghost's adventure...This is Storm's Story
