Ghost's Story
Dear Country N Christian, This year I have had the opportunity of volunteering at a stable. There I met a wonderful horse named Ghost. Ghost got a second chance and has found a new home now. I have created a video to remember him by and I will also post his story. I hope you guys like it! Ghost is a Palamino Missouri Fox Trotter. When I first started going to the Stables I had hoped to work with a horse just as Amy Fleming does in Heartland (it's a Canadian TV Drama). The first day, I walked into the stable and noticed one horse. There was something about him that made him my favorite but I couldn't tell what. All the horses were nice but this one...there was just something about him. A few weeks into volunteering, the stable manager asked me which was my favorite horse and I answered Ghost. He's been my favorite ever since. I got to feed him a carrot one time but the biggest part of his story is when we started training together. I don't know too much of Ghost...